let's do this
imagine not having to shave, tweeze or wax again...
Intense pulse light (IPL) technology provides a non-invasive, long lasting solution for unwanted hair on the face, bikini line and other areas of the body. IPL hair removal has been performed safely for many years, effectively eliminating dozens of hairs with each pulse.
imagine not having to
shave, tweeze or wax

we know each other real well
we haven't met yet
If you are a new client to Dermal Remedy who may or may have not had any of the services I have on offer here, please start with a consult. We'll have a chitty chat, have a look at the treatment area, fill in some paperwork and come up with a plan of attack for them "hair free, care free" feels
You know the drill...
You have been here before...
You "assume the position"...
You have your numbing cream at the ready...
You have your favourite book or podcast downloaded and ready to go....
lets make a time

Upper Lip $20
Chin $40
Sides of Face $65
Underarms $65
Areola $35
Tummy Line $35
Bikini Line $75
G String $95
Brazilian $125
Bum $75
1/2 Leg $225
(including feet + toes)
Full Leg $450
(including feet + toes)
Upper Leg $225
Upper + Lower Lip $60
Chin $55
Beard $125
Neck front/back $65
1/2 Back $150
FullBack $270
Shoulders $75
Chest $150
Stomach $100
1/2 Arm $175
(including hands + fingers)
Full Arm $225
(including hands + fingers
Fingers+Hands $75
Mankini $95
G String $135
Manzilian $150
Bum $90
have questions?
What is IPL?
IPL hair removal is a safe, non-invasive treatment that permanently reduces the number of re-growing hairs. Light pulses are used to damage hair follicles and impair their ability to grow hair. Damaged hair follicles are eliminated , with excellent long term results
How often will I need treatments?
Body - once every 4 to 6 weeks,
Face - once every 3 to 4 weeks.
You will need 6 to 12 sessions in total, then maintenance 1 - 3 times a year. Hormonal women - will require more maintenance treatments.
A course of 6 to 12 treatments at 4 to 6 week intervals is usually required to treat hairs at all stages of the natural re-growth cycle; which varies depending on hair type and colour, and the location being treated. Fair hairs will require extra treatments. A maintenance session may be necessary from time to time, due to the development of new hair growth appearing, as our hormonal balance continues to change with age, or due to the influence of stress, illness, disease and drugs i.e; steroids or contraceptive pills. Towards the end of the process, the interval between hair reduction treatments may be extended to 6-8 weeks as the re-growth cycles slow.
What happens at my appointment?
Consultation and Test Patch: Your first appointment will be a comprehensive consultation to answer all your questions and to check that there are no contra-indications to IPL treatments, such as medications which cause photo-sensitivity, and to ascertain the degree of recent sun or UV exposure on the area to be treated. The colour of your skin and the condition to be treated must be assessed, then a calculation is made to determine the appropriate setting. A patch test will be applied and we must wait to see the outcome, up to 48 hours after the test patch. It is very important to be honest about medications and your recent sun or UV exposure. Clients with photo-sensitivity problems may develop some adverse reactions such as blistering or mild burning sensations. Your first test patch flash will be set on a low setting in order to avoid this. The setting may be raised if appropriate.
The treatment area is re-assessed, wiped with a mild antiseptic lotion to remove all traces of oils, etc., and ultrasound gel is then applied. Both the operator and the client will wear glasses to protect their eyes from the bright flashes of light, then treatment may commence. The flash light lamp at the head of the hand piece is held against the client’s skin and the intense light is pulsed at the trigger of a button. The lamp is moved over the skin to cover the entire area. Once the treatment is completed the gel will be wiped off and a cooling gel will be applied, plus sun block where appropriate.
For hair removal; in areas of course hair growth the treatment area is obvious, but sometimes it is not so obvious, so it is therefore appropriate to allow the hairs to grow just a little, so that the operator may clearly see the area needing treatment. This area will then need to be shaved before your IPL treatment begins, because it is imperative that the light is targeted down the hair shaft to the bulb. We don’t want to treat (and heat) hairs on the skin’s surface. Where the treatment area is obvious, you may shave the hair yourself before you arrive for your appointment.
How does IPL differ from electrolysis?
The main difference between IPL hair removal and electrolysis is that electrolysis works on all hair and skin colours and types.
IPL hair removal only works on dark hair with fair skin. Additionally in some cases IPL treatment for hair removal is not always successful on every area. While laser may work very well on underarms and bikini line it may not work at all on arms or thighs.
Can I have IPL if I am pregnant or breast feeding?
Although IPL hair removal is not a dangerous procedure and the application of the light has not been shown to affect more than the top layer of the skin, I do not like to take the chances with the wellbeing of my clients. If you are pregnant or breast feeding, Dermal Remedy recommends putting your IPL hair removal treatments on hold.
What is the difference between IPL and Laser?
Lasers have been used in surgery for years. The IPL is an adaptation of the laser, more suited to the beauty industry. The biggest difference between laser and IPL, as far as treatment is concerned, is the coverage. The laser beam is very narrow, only covering a small spot at a time, while IPL coverage is several times the area, and therefore treatments are much quicker. Lasers produce light from one specific wavelength, or colour, for a very specific target. The light emitted from the IPL is composed of a spectrum of colours from different wavelengths, enabling selective photo-absorption (light absorption) to different targets. In other words, using the IPL is like using a group of lasers in a single treatment.
How does IPL permanent hair reduction work?
Intense Pulsed Light targets the colour pigment (melanin) in the hairs. Dark hairs on fair skin have the best and quickest results. Fair hairs will require extra treatments with lesser results. Caution is required when treating hairs on darker skins; this is explained below and would be discussed more fully during your consultation.The hair growth cycle: Hairs grow in constant cycles: Firstly hairs are actively growing, then they become dormant (resting), and finally they loosen and shed, only to be replaced by more new, actively growing hairs. Only hair follicles in the active growth stage are disabled by IPL treatments.Hairs in the dormant stage of the growth cycle normally remain anchored in the follicles for weeks or months, depending on their location, but their follicles and associated hair germination cells are not disabled by IPL treatments. These follicles will be treated in subsequent sessions. This is why you need repeated sessions. Hair growth becomes sparser with each session. All treated hairs should shed within about two weeks.
Is it painful?
Some treatments have little or no sensation at all, but for other treatments, clients may feel a slight sting, similar to the flick of a rubber band against your skin. It is certainly not unbearable, and we can always reduce the intensity if you feel the need. Immediately after some treatments you may feel a mild heat for a few minutes, or a couple of hours, but after most treatments you will feel next to nothing at all.
How will I look after the treatment?
Immediate Response: In most cases there is no visible reaction and you would be expected to be able to return to work and resume your normal activities immediately after your appointment. However, IPL causes heat in the target tissues; therefore it is quite acceptable for the area to be slightly reddened immediately after treatment, but this would normally dissipate within half an hour. It is possible for the skin to appear slightly red for a couple of hours and up to 24 hours. If a reaction is visible after 48 hours it is imperative to contact your IPL operator for further advice. For those people concerned about wearing make-up immediately after treatment; provided there is no adverse reaction, (which is very rare), we can apply a mineral foundation to your face after your sun block. After hair removal treatments it is also common to see a slight swelling at the mouth of each hair follicle, similar to goose bumps. This appearance should disappear within the same frame time as with reddening.
Please note: In darker skinned people, these responses may be delayed for up to 24 hours.
Can dark skins be treated with IPL?
Light produced by laser and by IPL is absorbed by the colour pigment, melanin, which is present in our hair and skin. Caution is required when treating people with dark skins, Asian skins and some other skins which tan very easily. Hyper-pigmentation or blanching of the skin is likely to occur if there is too much melanin present in the skin. It is possible to treat medium to medium/dark skins on a low intensity. The consultation process and a test patch, will determine whether each individual can be treated. Strict guidelines must be adhered to, when treating darker skinned people, using only low levels of intensity at each session, and therefore more treatments will be needed to achieve a result. Skins such as Negroid, Melanesian and some darker Indian skins are not treatable – for both skin rejuvenation and for hair removal. Electrolysis is an option for these people, but it too, must be administered with caution, on a low intensity, due to the possibility of hyperpigmentation or blanching.